Experience the difference as soon as you unpack it - ALPIN magazine reports on the Biopod DownWool Ice 175 sleeping bag model

gruezi-bag-Schlafsack-Biopod-DownWool Ice 175-Magazin-Alpin-Nr09-Sept-2018

After a ski, mountain or hiking tour, even true nature lovers need protection from the icy wind, frost and wet to rest and sleep well.

As soon as you unpack the high-quality Grüezi bag 'Biopod DownWool Ice 175' sleeping bag - it warms your heart. Especially on cold winter nights he is the salvation to get the cold under control.

The magazine 'ALPIN' reports in issue no. 09, September 2018 about the special model 'Biopod DownWool Ice 175' . Here is the article for download:

ALPIN Magazine Issue No.09/Sept.2018

Unpack - switch off - rested the Grüezi bag model 'Biopod DownWool Ice 175' , the high-quality sleeping bag with innovative DownWool filling - also convinces real nature boys or girls in the cold season!

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