Farewell to cold feet - online magazine 'gnuemaenner.de' reports about the Feater - The Feet Heater

gruezi-bag-Feater-The Feet Heater-Online Magazin genussmaenner.de

Icy toes can spoil the most beautiful outdoor excursion or 'extreme couching'. Sometimes they just don't want to get warm anymore and soon you're cold everywhere.

The warm-up trick for cold feet - simply warm them up in the heatable, waist-high Feater - The Feet Heater from Grüezi bag .

Cold feet are a thing of the past!

The online magazine 'gnussmaenner.de' reports on the ideal companion for soothing warm feet and is even giving away a prize in cooperation with Grüezi bag :

Online article from 10/12/2018 and how you can participate in the competition.

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