Mega trend in the sleeping bag sector presented by the trade journal 'TextilWirtschaft'

Fachzeitschrift-TextilWirtschaft-ISPO 2019-Biopod DownWool Nature

The exhibitors at ISPO 2019 focused on various mega trends. In the outdoor category, the ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' sleeping bag won the race because of its sustainability, as it is made from 100% natural materials . This also convinced the ISPO jury and awarded the Grüezi bag model the renowned ISPO Award ' Product of the Year '.

You can find more information at the following link:

Fachzeitschrift-TextilWirtschaft-ISPO-Article-Jan2019_Biopod DownWool Nature

gruezi-bag-sleeping-bag-Biopod DownWool Nature

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