Youtuber 'OutdoorBuddy' tests cool invention from Grüezi bag!

Youtuber-OutdoorBuddy-Cover-25 Mai 2020

The blogger from 'OutdoorBuddy' spent a wonderful night with his friends thanks to the ingenious Grüezi bag sleeping bag - ' Biopod Wool Survia l'!

Since this has an integrated mosquito net, the 'city forest adventurers' could sleep peacefully. The sleeping climate was then completely convincing - you can find out more in the video published by 'OutdoorBuddy' under the following link:

OutdoorBuddy-Youtube video micro-adventure in the city forest-sleeping bag-Grüezi bag-biopod wool survival from May 25, 2020

..... the ideal sleeping bag for nature lovers and
how to use the 'Biopod Wool Survial' by Grüezi bag -
You can also find out in the YouTube video!

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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