Magazine 'ALPIN' introduces - fair novelty!

Magazin Alpin Ausgabe Nr03-2019-ISPO-Biopod DownWool Nature

Attention nature lovers! If you want to relax comfortably in a sleeping bag made from 100% natural materials after a wonderful tour, you should find out more about the new ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' from Grüezi bag !

Enjoy and convince yourself of the extra comfort of the 'Product of the Year', which was chosen by the ISPO jury!

gruezi-bag-sleeping-bag-Biopod DownWool Nature

The magazine 'ALPIN' discovered this sustainable sleeping bag at the beginning of February 2019 at the ISPO trade fair tour. You can download the published report here as a .pdf file:

ALPIN Issue No. 3-2019-ISPO-New Biopod DownWool Nature

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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