Sleep well in the Biopod DownWool Nature - published by SPORT aktiv magazine

When you've earned a break, or just because: The new Grüezi bag 'Biopod DownWool Nature' is the ideal feel-good companion for discovering the beauty of nature while rested.
The Austrian magazine 'SPORT aktiv' presented several sleeping bags in the AUG/SEP 2018 issue. The 'Biopod DownWool Nature' sleeping bag, made from 100% natural materials, was presented in the magazine, and the article can be downloaded as a .pdf file: Magazin-SPORT-aktiv-Aug-Sep-2018
Green alpine meadows, blue sky and the Alpine panorama all around, with the right equipment 'outside' is a lot of fun - anyone who has ever slept in this Grüezi bag sleeping bag doesn't want to go out anymore!