The brand new sleeping bag brand GRÜEZI-BAG - that's how it all started!

Die brandneue Schlafsackmarke GRÜEZI-BAG – so hat alles angefangen!

Founder Markus Wiesböck and his story about the creation and development of his sleeping bag brand Grüezi-bag.


first the idea then it went haywire! My first attempt to have my idea of ​​individual sleeping bags produced by a large sleeping bag company was a failure. It was just all about profit again and that's why my ideas could hardly be realized. As so often, it ended in a fight and in court. Now I stood there:

"Should I give up? Hmmm no, I won't give up that easily!"

So google what the stuff holds and look for a sleeping bag company. Unfortunately, everything I found in Germany or surrounding countries was too expensive. So keep looking in Asia. I was a bit confused then. After a long search I found 3 companies. Ok, all courage together, get on the plane and off to Asia. After a 14-hour flight and at least three checks at control stations to see if I had a fever (the Chinese like to do that) I was in Shanghai. Oh dear, a bit bigger than Munich - hmm and a little bit confusing. I had three addresses that I wanted to visit on the very first day.

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