A good night's sleep begins with the sleeping bag - the magazine 'kletterarena' provides information!

Magazin kletterarena-Artikel Biopod DownWool Subzero von Gruezi bag

Explore the mountain world during the day, climb and let off steam. Sitting under the stars in the evening and then comfortably in your sleeping bag!

After various tests, the online magazine 'kletterarena' enthusiastically reports on the ideal sleeping companion, the 'Biopod DownWool Subzero 175 ' from Grüezi bag . Before you start planning the new climbing or adventure tour, read the informative article by:

Magazin climbing arena sleeping bag from Gruezi bag-Biopod DownWool Subzero 175

For everyone who aims high and would like to know more about the 'Biopod DownWool Subzero 175' sleeping bag -

Here are the posts to view:

climbing arena Twitter post Jan 2019-gruezi bag sleeping bag-Biopod DownWool Subzero 175

climbing arena-Facebook post Jan2019-gruezi bag-Schlafsack-Biopod DownWool Subzero 175

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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