Discovered by 'Spoteo' - the product of the year at ISPO 2019!

Onlinemagazin-Spoteo-ISPO 2019-Produkt des Jahres-Biopod DownWool Nature von Gruezi bag

The ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' sleeping bag from Grüezi bag scored plus points in every respect at ISPO 2019. The jury honored it with the 'Product of the Year' award. This model is completely plastic-free, from the packaging to the last button, and it offers the best sleeping climate thanks to the proven DownWool filling.

Are you curious about this highlight of 2019?

The online magazine 'Spoteo' published the following article: Online magazine Spoteo-ISPO 2019 product of the year-Biopod DownWool Nature by Gruezi bag

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