Feater- The Feet Heater - the Galileo reporter's favorite part

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The heatable, waist-high additional bag, which provides an extra portion of warmth, was particularly appealing to the Galileo reporter when testing camping gadgets and she declared it her absolute favourite.

The special thing about the Grüezi bag ' Feater - The Feet Heater' is that it fits in every sleeping bag. The foot area can be additionally warmed with a built-in heating element. Operated via a USB interface with a commercially available power bank, the module heats up to a maximum of approx. 45º C in order to achieve an optimal sleeping climate.

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Here you can find out more in the video of the Galileo report:

ProSieben-Galileo-Report-Aug-2018- Feater-The Feet Heater by Grüezi-bag

Pimp your sleeping bag with Grüezi bag - no more cold feet - thanks
'Feater - The Feet Heater' !

gruezi-bag-Feater-The Feet Heater-ProSieben-Galileo-Report Aug 2018

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