Grüezi bag has the optimal hut sleeping bag - trekking March 2021

Grüezi bag hat den optimalen Hüttenschlafsack - Trekking März 2021..

It's going to be cuddly on the mountain pasture, that's how the Terkkingmagazin writes about the brand new hut sleeping bag from Grüezi bag.

Since it is a blanket sleeping bag, it can also be converted into a blanket. The highlight, however, is the climate-regulating wool insulation, which is also antibacterial. The sleeping bag thus achieves the perfect sleeping climate.

Features like the pillow cover and the ear plug pocket complete the whole thing. The hut and travel sleeping bag is also super small in pack size and light.

Alhütte sleeping bag from Grüezi bag

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Grüezi bag erklärt

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