GRÜEZI-BAG sleeping bag – “ALPIN MAGAZIN” recommended as a price tip…

GRÜEZI-BAG Schlafsack – “ALPIN MAGAZIN” als Preis-Tipp empfohlen…


The company "Kultschlafsack" can be happy about the recommendation of the renowned magazine "Alpin Magazin". In the August 2011 issue of the magazine, she tested 12 budget sleeping bags.

Under the motto "A lot of sleeping bags for little money", sleeping bags were tested up to a maximum price of €150.00. The "Grüezi-Bag Cow" received the recommendation "Alpin Preis-Tipp 08/11". Furthermore, the “Carinthia Lite 850” and the “Mammut Tundra 3-Season” received an award.

The characteristics of the "Grüezi-Bag Cow" were described with the following sentences:

“Grüezi Bag? Never heard. - We felt that way for a long time too. But we have already presented the cult sleeping bags. “Kult” became “Grüezi-Bag”, but much more than just the name has changed. You buy a Grüezi bag mainly because of the design. But the sleeping bag under the design isn't bad either. It's easily enough for normal camping or spending the night with friends. Apart from that, the low price and the high-quality equipment make a positive impression.”

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