Comment on Biopod Wool Goas Comfort by Grit & Carl-Ludwig

Kommentar zum Schlafsack

I'm so happy when I can inspire customers....Markus

Dear Markus,

After 2 phone calls and your super great advice, I decided to buy your Goas wool sleeping bag!!! And??? WE ARE SOOOOOOOO MEGAAAAA HAPPYYYYY!!!! The sack is relatively thin but sooooo cuddly, a real body flatterer and it warms like a stove. Hardly on the body he radiates heat. And best of all: it is never clammy or damp, you always feel dry and wrapped up! WE LOVE HIM!!! How can you make something so awesome???

Thank you for this fantastic sleeping bag, keep it up!

Greetings Gritt & Carl-Ludwig

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