Weight miracle - presented by the magazine 'outdoor markt'!

Magazin outdoor markt-Ausgabe 01 Jan 2019 - Biopod Extreme Light 185

Whether you get a restful sleep on cold winter nights or in summer climes - you can do it in a sleeping bag from the Biopod series from Grüezi bag ! The magazine ' outdoor markt ' published the following article about the high-quality sleeping bags from the Alps in its January 2019 issue/01.

The ultra-light summer sleeping bag ' Biopod DownWool Extreme Light 185 ' and the sleeping bag ' Biopod DownWool Ice 185 ' specially designed for winter are the ideal companions if you want to get an incomparably good night's sleep!

outdoor markt issue Jan2019 page 58-Biopod DownWool Extreme Light 185-gruezi-bag sleeping bagoutdoor markt issue Jan 2019 page 76 - Biopod DownWool Ice by Gruezi bag

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