In the magazine 'Festzeit': Win an extra portion of warmth for cold feet!

Im Magazin 'Festzeit': Eine extra Portion Wärme für kalte Füsse zu gewinnen!

The heatable, waist-high 'Feater - The Feet Heater' from Grüezi bag is the solution to cold feet . In the publication of the magazine 'Festzeit' you can find out more about the extra bag that fits in every sleeping bag.

The magazine for weddings, celebrations and events is giving away the cuddly 'Feater - The Feet Heater' until October 31, 2020 .

You can find out more at the following link:

Magazine Festzeit-Win 1-Feater-The Feet Heater DownWool

Magazine-Festzeit-Feater-The Feat Heater-by Grüezi bag-Winning Game-July 2020

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