Magazine 'outdoor' presents - Optimal sleeping bag after the big tour!

gruezi-bag-schlafsack-Magazin outdoor Feb 2019

After the dream tour, snuggle up in the warm sleeping bag in the evening - then the cozy part begins, preferably in a Grüezi bag ' Biopod Wool Plus ' sleeping bag. Read Outdoor Magazine's February 2019 article on know-how before going on a big tour here:

gruezi-bag-schlafsack-Biopod wool plus magazine outdoor Feb/2019 page 78

Also available as a .pdf file for download: outdoor-Magazine-Page79-Article Feb 2019-gruezi-bag-Biopod

The magazine 'outdoor' alternatively recommends the summer sleeping bag from Grüezi bag with wool filling. Convince yourself of the best conditions that the high-quality and light sleeping bag ' Biopod Wool Plus ' offers.

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