Mallorca's magazine 'EL AVISO' discovers the 'sleeping bag highlights'!

Fachzeitschrift EL AVISO-Cover-Februar 2020

'Natural air conditioning has reached Mallorca' - Grüezi bag , the sleeping bag brand from the Bavarian Alps, is presented by the German-language magazine 'EL AVISO'. The unique wool filling in the Grüezi bag sleeping bags has convinced 'EL AVISO' - especially the model ' Biopod Down Hybrid Ice Extreme ' and ' Biopod Wool Survival ' with mosquito net.

Check out the February 2020 article at the following link:

Newspaper-El Aviso-Sustainability in the outdoor branch-Grüezi bag-Sleeping bag made of real wool

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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