Awarded a purchase tip by outdoor magazine


In the 12/2018 issue, the magazine 'outdoor' inspected the high-quality ' Biopod Down Wool Ice ' sleeping bag. The result convinced the testers and they recommend this ideal companion for cold winter nights.

Kauftipp_gruezi-bag-schlafsack-Biopod DownWool Ice-Magazine outdoor Issue 12 2018

Find out more here: Magazine outdoor Biopod DownWool Ice Dec 2018 issue

Is your gear for extremely cold days complete?

Pleasant night's sleep without waking up due to the cold - not in the Grüezi bag 'Biopod Down Wool Ice' . This is available in different sizes.

Find restful and comfortable sleep in the 'Biopod DownWool Ice 185', in the ' Biopod DownWool 200 ' or in the 'Biopod DownWool Ice 175' .

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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