Sustainable sleeping bag discovered by the magazine 'greenLIFESTYLE'!

Magazin greenLIFESTYLE-Cover-Ausgabe 3-2019-Biopod DownWool Nature

Go out into nature and enjoy it! It is well known that there is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothing or equipment. The ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' sleeping bag made from 100% natural, from the packaging to the last button, was featured on page 7 of the 'greenLIFESTYLE' magazine in its 3/2019 issue.

Read the .pdf file for download here:

greenLifestyle-Issue-3-2019-Page 7-Biopod DownWool Nature by Gruezi bag

Feeling at home in bed, the sleeping bag ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' from Grüezi bag makes it possible!

Tipps & Tricks

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