News in the online magazine "Kletterszene": Addition to the DownWool family - from March 2019 at Grüezi bag

Grüezi bag Schlafsack_Artikel Kletterszene_Outdoor Friedrichshafen 2018

The Outdoor Messe Friedrichshafen is behind us and should you not have been there to find out about our addition to the DownWool family:

the Biopod DownWool Extreme Light models 175 / 185 / 200 -
Grüezi bag Biopod DownWool Extreme Light 185
- are new for the 2019 season! -
... to inform:
Then read more about it in the online magazine Kletterszene:

Outstanding sleeping comfort - now also in super light!

Grüezi bag is already known for its high-quality sleeping bag fillings. This model is also equipped with the innovative DownWool* filling, which ensures an optimal sleeping climate. The filling provides the very best insulation values ​​in combination with perfect sleeping comfort. This increases the quality of sleep and thus fitness and restedness the next day

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