It sleeps better without plastic - 'Naturbursche Outdoor TV reports'!

Naturbursche Outdoor TV-Cover-2019

100% without plastic - sleep happily ! The sleeping bag ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' from Grüezi bag makes it possible. This plastic-free model is presented on the 'Naturbursche-Outdoor TV' YouTube channel - from the packaging to the last button. That wasn't enough for the YouTubers, they wanted to know more about it and stayed in nature with the 'nature boy' from Grüezi bag.

The videos published on YouTube from March and June 2019:

Youtube video Naturbursche Outdoor TV Gruezi bag Biopod DownWool Nature March 2019 presentation

Youtube video-Naturbursche Outdoor TV-Bushcraft-without plastic-Finale-The overnight stay-Grüezi bag-Biopod DownWool Nature-June 2019

This unique sleeping companion is also available in another version, which can even be used as a blanket. This is the new 'Biopod DownWool Nature' from Grüezi bag - convince yourself of the incomparable sleeping experience!

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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