Attention nature lovers: "Grüezi bag Biopod DownWool Nature" - publication in the magazine "sport+mode"

Grüezi bag Biopod DownWool Nature

The love of people begins with the love of nature, which is why our Grüezi bag team came up with something special and we are presenting this "highlight" to you exclusively at Outdoor Friedrichshafen:

"Grüezi bag Biopod DownWool Nature" -

You can read more about this in advance, also in the publication of the magazine "sport+ Mode" - issue June 2018 No. 6:

Magazine sport_mode June 2018 Issue No. 6_Article Biopod DownWool Nature

Off to the green....

Happy are those who look forward to the stars at sunset, cozily and warmly snuggled up in the new "Biopod DownWool Nature"

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