Magazine 'Drahtesel' presents: Warm & comfortable - the new Grüezi bags!

Drahtesel Cover Ausgabe Nr 7-2019-Gruezi bag Artikel-Schlafen mit Almwolle

Depending on the tour and the season, you need different sleeping bags. Grüezi bag solves the problem with various top models! The magazine 'Drahtesel' presents these comfortable sleeping bags and accessories in its issue no. 7/2019.

Read the article as a .pdf file for download:

Wire donkey no.07-2019-Gruezi bag-sleeping with alpine wool-pages 22 to 24

gruezi-bag-sleep with alpine wool article, Wire Esel issue No. 7-2019, pages 22 to 24 You too can discover your favorite Grüezi bag model !

Tipps & Tricks

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